Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Exposure and Response Prevention

Are Obsessive Thoughts Overwhelming Your Mind?
Living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) means dealing with persistent, unwanted thoughts that can invade every aspect of life. These obsessions can be distressing and exhausting, often making it difficult to concentrate on daily tasks or enjoy meaningful activities. The intrusive nature of these thoughts can lead to heightened anxiety and even shame, as they often focus on irrational fears or improbable scenarios. This internal noise can feel isolating and unmanageable, as you may worry about what others might think or how to regain control over your mind.

Is Compulsive Behavior Disrupting Your Life?
The compulsive actions associated with OCD are often attempts to alleviate the anxiety caused by obsessive thoughts. However, rather than providing relief, these repetitive behaviors can create a cycle of distress and frustration. Whether it's checking, counting, or cleaning, these rituals can consume time and energy, disrupting work, relationships, and personal peace. The feeling of being trapped in this cycle can lead to significant emotional turmoil and a sense of helplessness.

Do You Feel Hopeless About Finding Relief?
After living with OCD for an extended time, it is common to feel discouraged about finding effective treatment. Perhaps you've tried various methods with little success, deepening your sense of hopelessness. This struggle can leave you wondering if life will always be dominated by fear and compulsion.

We know it’s not always easy to take the first step. At AugustaCBT, we use proven methods like ERP to help you challenge and change these patterns, leading to a more fulfilling life.


How can Augusta CBT help?

At AugustaCBT, we offer specialized OCD therapy using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). This evidence-based approach helps you confront fears and reduce compulsive behaviors by gradually exposing you to anxiety-provoking situations in a safe environment, ultimately leading to long-lasting relief and management of OCD symptoms.

How does therapy for OCD work?

Our therapy employs ERP, a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that is highly effective for treating OCD. The process begins with a comprehensive assessment to understand your specific obsessions, compulsions, and overall situation. We then create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

In ERP, you are gradually exposed to anxiety-inducing thoughts or situations while we guide you through resisting the urge to perform compulsive behaviors. This exposure is done in a controlled, supportive environment, allowing you to learn to tolerate distress and reduce anxiety over time without resorting to compulsions.

Throughout the therapy, sessions involve collaborative planning, where we continuously evaluate your progress and adjust the exposure tasks to ensure effective outcomes. The goal is to build resilience against obsessive thoughts and empower you with strategies to maintain improvements in daily life.


Why work with Augusta CBT?

Choosing AugustaCBT for OCD therapy means opting for a specialized, empathetic approach that prioritizes your unique needs. Our therapists are extensively trained in Exposure and Response Prevention, ensuring you receive effective and up-to-date treatment.

We focus on a collaborative and individualized approach, meeting you where you are and guiding you through each step toward recovery. Our commitment to understanding the personal impact of OCD on your life sets us apart, allowing us to tailor therapy to your specific concerns and goals.

Using evidence-backed techniques like ERP, we provide practical tools and strategies, ensuring you gain the confidence and skills to manage OCD beyond therapy. Our supportive environment fosters empowerment, helping you reclaim control and achieve a balanced, fulfilling life.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)?
ERP is a cognitive-behavioral therapy approach that involves exposing individuals to anxiety-inducing objects or situations and preventing the usual compulsive response. This process helps decrease anxiety over time and is one of the most effective treatments for OCD.

How long does ERP therapy take?
The duration of ERP therapy varies based on individual needs and progress. Typically, ERP therapy involves weekly sessions over several months. We tailor the therapy to suit your pace and circumstances, aiming for meaningful and lasting change.

Is ERP therapy safe?
Yes, ERP therapy is safe and conducted by trained professionals. We ensure exposures are manageable and proceed at a pace that feels comfortable, with therapists providing support throughout to help manage anxiety and stress levels.

Can ERP be combined with other treatments?
ERP can be effectively combined with other treatments, such as medication or additional therapeutic techniques, for enhanced outcomes. We conduct a thorough assessment before starting ERP to determine the best approach for your situation.


Ready to Get Started?

Embark on your journey to managing OCD with AugustaCBT’s ERP therapy. To book an appointment with our expert therapists, click here.

For a free consultation to discuss your unique needs, complete the contact form below, or explore our team page to select your preferred therapist. If you’d like to discuss your situation directly, call us at(706) 364-1486. Should we be unavailable, leave a message, and we’ll return your call promptly within 24 business hours. Alternatively, you can use the contact form below. We respond to emails daily, except on weekends or holidays.

Take the first step towards a life free from the constraints of OCD today.


Augusta Center for Cognitive Behavior Therapy

601 N Belair Square STE 19, Evans, GA 30809