Trauma Therapy

Treating PTSD and other Trauma

Are Traumatic Memories Disrupting Your Daily Life?
Traumatic experiences often leave lasting imprints on our minds, making it difficult to move forward. Intrusive memories, nightmares, and flashbacks can disrupt daily life, causing distress and anxiety. You may find yourself constantly on edge or in fear of re-experiencing the trauma, affecting your ability to function at work, maintain relationships, or enjoy social activities. This constant state of alertness and worry can lead to emotional exhaustion, making it feel impossible to regain control and peace in your life.

Do You Feel Disconnected from Your Emotions and Others?
Trauma can make you feel detached from your emotions and those around you. You might experience numbness or a lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed, resulting in feelings of isolation. This disconnection can strain relationships with friends and family as you struggle to communicate and engage emotionally. It may seem like a protective mechanism, but often leaves you feeling alone in your journey toward healing.

Are You Struggling with Self-Blame and Guilt?
After a traumatic event, feelings of guilt and self-blame can surface, causing a cycle of negative self-talk and low self-esteem. You might replay scenarios, questioning if you could have done something differently to prevent what happened. These internal battles can overshadow the path to healing, cultivating a sense of unworthiness and hindering your progress toward recovery.

We understand that confronting trauma is challenging. At AugustaCBT, we provide a safe and compassionate space for you to explore, process, and heal from these experiences.


What can Augusta CBT do to help?

At AugustaCBT, we offer comprehensive trauma therapy utilizing evidence-based methods like Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Prolonged Exposure (PE), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for trauma, and Ketamine-Assisted Therapy. Our diverse approaches ensure that you find the most effective path to healing, regaining control, and achieving peace of mind.

How does trauma therapy work?

Our trauma therapy is designed to meet your unique needs, beginning with an assessment to understand your experiences and symptoms. We use various methods, depending on what suits you best.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for trauma helps identify and modify unhelpful thoughts and behaviors, facilitating a healthier emotional response. Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) focuses on challenging and altering negative beliefs related to trauma, promoting cognitive restructuring. Prolonged Exposure (PE) involves safely confronting trauma-related memories and stimuli to reduce their power over you. In some cases, we offer Ketamine-Assisted Therapy, which combines ketamine's effects with psychotherapy to foster profound healing and transformation.

Throughout your therapy journey, sessions are tailored to support your progress and comfort, enhancing your resilience and empowering you with effective coping mechanisms for long-term recovery.


Why work with Augusta CBT?

At AugustaCBT, our practice is distinguished by our multidisciplinary approach to trauma therapy, ensuring personalized care through a variety of evidence-based methods. Our therapists are trained across diverse modalities, ensuring that your treatment plan is not only effective but also adaptable as you progress.

Each therapist brings a deep understanding of trauma’s complexities, enhancing empathy and connection in the therapeutic relationship. We integrate innovative therapies like Ketamine-Assisted Therapy alongside traditional approaches, establishing a unique offering that ensures comprehensive healing.

Choosing AugustaCBT means choosing a practice committed to tailoring therapy to fit both the science and your specific needs, forging a collaborative, supportive process aimed at regaining peace and personal empowerment.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)?
CPT is a specific type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that helps you understand and change how you think about your trauma. It aids in challenging and modifying unhelpful beliefs related to the trauma, enhancing recovery and reducing symptoms.

How does Prolonged Exposure (PE) Therapy work?
PE therapy involves confronting trauma-related memories and situations in a safe setting, helping individuals gradually face and gain control over trauma-related fears. This process reduces avoidance and fear, facilitating emotional processing and healing.

Who can benefit from Ketamine-Assisted Therapy?
Ketamine-Assisted Therapy is particularly beneficial for those who haven’t found success with traditional therapies. It’s used in combination with therapy to enhance emotional insight and relief from symptoms, offering a novel pathway for healing.

Can I combine these therapies with other treatments?
Yes, our approach allows for combining different therapies to suit your particular needs. We work closely with you to create an integrated treatment plan that may include multiple modalities for optimal recovery outcomes.


Ready to get started?

Start your healing journey with AugustaCBT’s comprehensive trauma therapy services. To book an appointment with a therapist, click here.

For a free consultation to discuss your unique needs, complete the contact form below, or explore our team page to select your preferred therapist. If you’d like to discuss your situation directly, call us at(706) 364-1486. Should we be unavailable, leave a message, and we’ll return your call promptly within 24 business hours. Alternatively, you can use the contact form below. We respond to emails daily, except on weekends or holidays.

Take the first step toward reclaiming your life and peace today.


Augusta Center for Cognitive Behavior Therapy

601 N Belair Square STE 19, Evans, GA 30809